Our specialist probate solicitors can assist with all aspects of probate law. Personal Representatives understand and carry out their responsibilities which is often a great relief and comfort because it can feel overwhelming. Unlike many probate solicitors, if there is a dispute or one crops up, we can help with that too – all under one roof.
We understand most Personal Representatives go through an emotional and challenging time, often grappling with the death of a loved one while carrying the weight of sorting everything out. Dealing with the huge amount of paperwork involved can be overwhelming and confusing. Sometimes, relatives may be worried about the absence of a will or concerned about a will’s contents. Whatever your need for a probate solicitor, we’re here to help.
As professional, plain-speaking probate solicitors, our years of experience means that we can manage the whole process, explaining each step in clear easy to understand language. These steps can include:
Registering a death and making funeral arrangements
Applying for the correct Grant of Representation
Establishing and verifying beneficiaries
Finding and identifying beneficiaries
Identifying estate assets
Collecting in the estate assets
Sale of estate assets including properties and shares
Paying the estate’s debts
Completing tax returns where appropriate
Preparation of detailed comprehensive estate accounts
Distributing the estate to beneficiaries.
Unlike many probate solicitors, if there is a dispute or one crops up, we can help with that too – all under one roof. Whatever the issue, contact us and we can clearly set out your options and help you achieve the best resolution.
Click here to see probate costs and services.
Please call us on 01482 300 200 or complete a Free Online Enquiry and we will be delighted to help you.
If you are a customer of Lockings Solicitors and we have contracted with you online you may be entitled to use the EU Online Dispute Resolution (ODR) Platform to assist in resolving any dispute with us. This service can be found at https://ec.europa.eu/odr.
Our email address is welcome@lockings.co.uk
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