Gain a better understanding of the care proceedings process and the rights of you and your child. Our expert care proceedings lawyers will explain each step in simple terms and support you if your case goes to court.
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Can’t speak highly enough about the staff efficiency- friendliness- and how professional they are. Would absolutely recommend to others.
For most families, care proceedings represent a formal and frightening process that is hard to make sense of. That’s where we come in.
While we’re available for the average “lawyer stuff” — like representing you if your case goes to court and assisting with paperwork — one of our most important roles is giving advice and explaining things in plain English. This is true of care proceedings where this lengthy, Local Authority process can often seem unnecessarily complex. Our care proceedings solicitors put each step into context while reminding you of your rights and what actions you can legally take.
As a parent or person with parental responsibility you will be eligible for legal aid irrelevant of your financial circumstances so there will be no legal fees to pay.
We truly support our clients from start to finish with no jargon, no delays and no hidden fees.
When the Local Authority has concern for the safety of a child, they can initiate a process known as “care proceedings” to formally review a child’s quality of care through the courts. Sometimes the local authority are granted a “care order” which means the local authority will have parental responsibility and can determine where your child should live.
Your child’s social worker will initiate care proceedings by providing the court with papers stating their reasons for concern. As a parent, you will also receive a copy of this document.
Depending on the Local Authority’s belief, a care order application might be filed. If granted, this order will last the duration of the care proceedings. Depending on the individual case, there may be several court hearings before a final hearing. As a parent, you have the right to attend every court hearing and state your case on each occasion.
Once all the necessary documents, reports and information is available a final hearing will be arranged and if an amicable agreement with the Local Authority cannot be reached the Judge will make a decision about your child.
Child care proceeding solicitors explain care proceedings, advise you of your rights, attend hearings and represent you in court. They help you to better navigate the care proceedings process and are there for you to consult if you’re worried or concerned.
They can help you take an active stance during care proceedings or simply support you during a stressful, uncertain time. Your care proceedings lawyer is there to assist you and your unique family situation.
If you’re a parent or person with parental responsibility of a child subject to care proceedings you’re automatically entitled to legal aid irrelevant of your financial circumstances. Legal aid is also sometimes available to other family members who wish to be considered to care for a child who is in care.
If you are a customer of Lockings Solicitors and we have contracted with you online you may be entitled to use the EU Online Dispute Resolution (ODR) Platform to assist in resolving any dispute with us. This service can be found at
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The content on this website is for information only and is not intended to provide specific legal advice to a particular case. Should you require legal advice in relation to your particular situation then please do not hesitate to contact us.
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